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Painting Future on Moonlight by Caitrin Alexandre | Painting Subject matter Minimalist Cardboard Ink

Painting Future on Moonlight by Caitrin Alexandre | Painting Subject matter Minimalist Cardboard Ink
Painting Future on Moonlight by Caitrin Alexandre | Painting Subject matter Minimalist Cardboard Ink
Painting Future on Moonlight by Caitrin Alexandre | Painting Subject matter Minimalist Cardboard Ink
Future on MoonlightPainting Future on Moonlight by Caitrin Alexandre | Painting Subject matter Minimalist Cardboard Ink
Future on MoonlightPainting Future on Moonlight by Caitrin Alexandre | Painting Subject matter Minimalist Cardboard Ink

Description artwork

This unique and original contemporary artwork "Future on Moonlight" was created by contemporary artist Caitrin Alexandre.
The artist used various paper sculpture techniques to create this small-format painting with a singular style.
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    Style : Subject matter

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    Subject : Minimalist

  • - Size : 19 x 19 cm
  • - Colors : White
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    Medium : Cardboard

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    Medium : Ink

  • - Compatible frames : 19 x 19 cm
  • - Is framable : yes
  • - Format : small
  • - Material : Cardboard
  • - Our recommendations : New talents’ artworks
Unique and certified artworks

Caitrin Alexandre
Caitrin Alexandre France
A great dreamer and nature lover, Caitrin is a multidisciplinary, self-taught artist. From an early age, her environment has inspired and stimulated her creativity. Passionate about textiles, she began her career as a costume designer in film and theater. Then, when she moved to the South of France, she discovered floral decoration and architecture. On her return to Paris, Caitrin took up drawing and painting again, before developing her artistic fiber and fleshing out the technique of sculpted paper with plant motifs that characterizes her work today.
  • Learn more about the artist
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