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Painting Circles (7) by Tryndyk Vasily | Painting Abstract Minimalist Oil

Painting Circles (7) by Tryndyk Vasily | Painting Abstract Minimalist Oil
Circles (7)Painting Circles (7) by Tryndyk Vasily | Painting Abstract Minimalist Oil
Circles (7)Painting Circles (7) by Tryndyk Vasily | Painting Abstract Minimalist Oil

Description artwork

This unique and original contemporary artwork "Circles (7)" on the subject of Minimalist has been created by the contemporary artist Tryndyk Vasily.
The artist used Oil medium on Canvas to create this Abstract, Small size painting.
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    Style : Abstract

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    Subject : Minimalist

  • - Size : 13 x 13 cm
  • - Colors : Multicolored
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    Medium : Oil

  • - Compatible frames : 13 x 13 cm
  • - Is framable : yes
  • - Format : Small
  • - Material : Canvas
Unique and certified artworks

Tryndyk Vasily
Tryndyk Vasily Netherlands (the)
Vasily was born in Russia in a province of the former Soviet Union (Kabardino-Balkaria). He discovered art with his father Nicolay, a known painter from the Caucasus region. Encouraged to pursue artistic studies, he enrolled at the Art Academy in Leningrad (St. Petersburg). In 1982, he became a member of the Artist’s Union of the ex-USSR and participated in several exhibitions, including in Moscow. He is somewhat of a celebrity in his own country and was awarded a medal in recognition of his career as a painter. The artist left Russia two years later and moved with his family to the Netherlands, where he lives and works today. Anonymous yet again in this new country, he gradually became known and exhibited in several Dutch cities (Nimègue, Eindhoven, Maastricht, Amsterdam) and in Germany. Vasily’s paintings are now found in many museums and collections around the world (Germany, Canada, United States, Russia, the Netherlands...).
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