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How to buy a work of art in a gallery?


Buying an artwork of art in a gallery has several advantages.
Human contact with the gallery owner or artist is undoubtedly decisive in helping you choose a work of art.
The art gallery is both a place of exhibition for artists and a place of purchase for collectors.
Whether you are looking for a painting, a sculpture, a lithograph or a print, the gallery owner will be able to advise you on your purchase. Where to buy a work of art? Discover all the advantages of buying a work of art in a gallery.


  1. Growing gallery art buying Buying art in galleries: still preferred by some collectors
  2. The functioning of a contemporary art gallery
  3. The art gallery: an exhibition place to discover artists
  4. What are the advantages of buying art in a gallery?
  5. The margin practiced by the art gallery
  6. Negotiating the price of works in an art gallery
  7. ​​​The method of payment in an art gallery

Growing gallery art buying

Contemporary art galleries have been booming in recent years. In the art market, there is an increase in art sales by dealers and art galleries at the expense of auctions.
This trend can be explained in part by the desire of buyers to maintain an element of anonymity in their transactions.

Buy art in galleries: still preferred by some collectors


Despite the development of online art galleries, collectors remain committed to buying art directly from galleries.
Many art lovers prefer to frequent small art galleries where the gallerist shares his passion with great enthusiasm.
The relationship with the gallery owner allows you to be advised, to change your mind, to choose another work or to pay for your purchase in installments. Upon acquisition, the buyer receives a certificate of authenticity and an invoice.
Buying art from a gallery offers great security against fakes.

The functioning of a contemporary art gallery


The art gallery is the private or public property of an enthusiast or expert.
It is the gallery owner who guides the visitor through the gallery and advises him on the purchase of a work.
It is both an exhibition space that supports artists and an intermediary between the artist and the buyer. The gallery owner is the guarantor of the sale of works of art.
The functioning of a contemporary art gallery square of artists
the advantages of buying art in a gallery

The art gallery: an exhibition place to discover artists

An art gallery is a great place to discover artists.
The works of art offered in the galleries have two origins: works that the artist exhibits for a limited time and works purchased from the artist by the gallery.

What are the advantages of buying art in a gallery?

Buying a work of art in a gallery is a good compromise to make sure you fall in love with a painting or a sculpture.
Start by identifying the galleries that are most interesting to you and the exhibitions that appeal to you.
Buying art in a gallery has several advantages.


Time to discover and reflect

Buying art in a gallery gives you the advantage of having plenty of time to discover the works, the artists and think about the art that interests you.


The pleasure of discovering and human contact

Buying a work of art in a gallery is also the pleasure of researching, discovering and interacting with passionate professionals or the artist himself.


The advantages of buying works of art in a gallery

In the gallery, the price of works of art is available for each object.
When buying, you get a certificate of authenticity, an invoice, a 14-day right of withdrawal, a gift and possibly the possibility of negotiating the price of the work.


The margin practiced by the art gallery

Art galleries take an average of 50% gross margin (between 40% and 60%) on art sales.
Taxes are included in the sale price. This is a normal margin considering the immense work done by the gallery.
Indeed, without this work of selecting works, you would certainly never have been able to discover an artist.
The gallery is also a way for the artist to increase his notoriety and to see his rating rise.
In addition, the day you wish to exchange your work, the gallery owner can help you.

Le mode de paiement en galerie d’art

Vous pouvez être tenté de payer votre achat d’art en liquide pour obtenir un rabais plus important, mais cela est déconseillé pour plusieurs raisons. En effet, en payant comptant, vous vous privez de nombreux avantages : assurance, certificat d’authenticité et recours en cas de vol ou de faux. De plus, si au fil du temps la cote de l’artiste monte, votre œuvre sera plus difficile à vendre, car elle n’est pas répertoriée.
The method of payment in an art gallery
You may be tempted to pay for your art purchase in cash to get a bigger discount, but this is not recommended for several reasons.
In fact, by paying cash, you are depriving yourself of many advantages: insurance, certificate of authenticity and recourse in the event of theft or forgery. In addition, if over time the artist's rating goes up, your work will be more difficult to sell because it is not listed.


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les modes de paiement d'une galerie d'art

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