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How to choose a work for an eco-responsible interior

- 12/04/2022
3 years. According to the latest contribution from UN climate experts, this is the number of years we would have left to significantly change our way of life, in order to reverse the curve of greenhouse gas emissions. But where to begin? What can we do on our level? On a daily basis, each of us can take simple actions to trigger change.

As for me, I've always wanted to consume in a more responsible manner, whether it is for my health or for the environment, but I didn't know where to begin. 3 years ago, I bought a book on making your own household and body care products. I tested out a few recipes that turned out to be effective, and I discovered a passion for the benefits of natural ingredients.

When Carré d'artistes asked me to write reviews for them, I immediately suggested the theme of eco-responsible decoration. In the recent years, we aspire to live while respecting the environment and consuming responsibly. The health crisis has only accentuated this desire. We need more than ever to reconnect with simple values, to feel closer to nature and the environment in which we live. This is a subject that really matters to me, and I think that this philosophy of life can also be applied to our interior.

To reduce our consumption, prefer quality over quantity, by opting for sustainable materials over time such as wood or glass, or by reusing furniture and objects that have already been used. I find nothing more satisfying than coming across a little gem in a garage sale!
Furniture or decoration that accumulates in your cellar or that you no longer like, can still be used by recycling them. You can resell them at a garage sale or donate them to relatives or charities. If you decide to throw them away, consider recycling them in specialized centers!


To decorate your interior in an “eco-friendly” manner, draw inspiration from the simplicity of Scandinavian design. Neutral colors and clean lines will allow other decorative elements selected in a responsible manner, to stand out.

Using dried plants and flowers will also make your indoors lively. Don’t hesitate to have too much as the accumulation will only strengthen the feeling of feeling close to nature! 

As a general rule, choose environmentally friendly materials that are not harmful to our health and the planet. Favor natural fibers (if possible from organic farming) to synthetic materials (plastics and their derivatives), or recycled, recovered and/or recyclable materials. If you were to use wood in your decoration, select sustainably harvested wood. To do so, identify the FSC or PEFC labels which guarantee the eco-management of forests.

Prefer colors inspired by nature to trigger warmth within your interior: terra cotta, brick, ocher, mustard, linen, pastel tones, green and all its shades (fir, sage, eucalyptus, mint, olive,..).



You can recover and transform objects which are intended to be thrown away, thus giving them a second life. By diverting the primary use of an object in a creative manner, you make it unique, and your interior is personalized, and reflects you. 

Some ideas for upcycling objects:
•    Transform a pretty bottle of alcohol into a vase or candlestick
•    Use wooden pallets and crates to create storage or small furniture
•    Paint the handles of your cutlery that have become obsolete
•    Reuse your glass jars and bowls to store your dry ingredients (flour, sugar, spices,  ..)


Recommended artist: Clisson Gérard 

• Use of recycled paper and materials
• Natural shades
• Abstract and poetic lines, landscape notions

Recommended artist: Lamboley Franck - Emerging artist

• Recycled materials: papers, magazines, and posters
• Objects diverted from their use: skateboard, graffiti bomb
• Second life given to objects destined to be discarded

To discover other artworks made from reused materials, consult the selection of Carré d'artistes which puts recycling and upcycling in the limelight:


You can also choose scalable and modular furniture, which will adapt to your desires and needs. In addition to being eco-responsible, this furniture is also economical as you won’t need to renew your decoration often!

Some ideas of eco-responsible materials for your decoration:
• For your dishes, pots, and vases: Glass, Ceramic, Stoneware, Clay, Terracotta
• For your textiles: Linen, Jute, Cotton, Silk, Wool, Felt
• For your furniture and lighting: Rattan, Straw, Cork, Wood, Cardboard, Paper
• For your floor coverings: Seagrass, Wooden Parquet, Ceramic tiles
• For your wall coverings: Raw wall combined with eco-responsible certified paints or wallpapers

Laureen-Lee Morisset
Interior designer and design solutions consultant
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