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Still Life Paintings

(138 Artworks)
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138 Artworks




Are you considering purchasing a still life painting?

At Carré d'artistes, discover modern still life paintings that renew the usual forms, colors, and compositions of this genre. A still life is a particular genre of painting that represents inanimate elements whose arrangement is defined by the artist. This theme was very popular in the history of painting from the 17th to the 20th century.

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Find still life paintings for sale at Carré d'artistes, of all styles:

  • Abstract still life painting
  • Figurative still life painting
  • Still life paintings naive art
  • Surrealism still life paintings

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Still life paintings - Artists square. Paintings by Geraldine Morales representing a bouquet of flowers in a vase


Why buy a still life painting ? 

Let yourself be seduced by musical instruments, mirrors, fruits, and flowers. Modern still life painting is undoubtedly an ideal gift.

Painting conveys emotion through simplicity, transporting you to an authentic world. The vanity of these paintings adds warmth to your interior decoration..


What are the characteristics of a contemporary still life ?

The representation of a group of inanimate objects is the subject of the painting: the way each element is arranged in relation to the others and the way they interact with each other defines the charm and beauty of these paintings.

Often, these paintings are related to food or the art of the table, but not exclusively. There are also still lifes that represent other types of everyday objects, such as a particular work or paintings of flower pots, like Van Gogh's "Sunflowers." The possibilities for composition are endless. These paintings have a very intimate, confidential dimension and a profound silence that comes from the immobility of the objects depicted.


What elements are represented in still life paintings?

A still life painting is a pictoral artistic genre that represents inanimare natural elementts such as fruits, flowers, as well as dead objects and animals.
Often, the artist defines a symblic intentoon through their work.



A still life is a painting that represents inanimate objects belonging to the realm of nature or products of human industry. Other terms have been or are used to describe this theme: silent life, quiet nature or inanimate nature.


The term "still life" appeared in France in the 18th century. Before that, "cose naturali" (natural things) was used to describe this type of painting.
During antiquity, the art of mimesis, of pure reproduction, was very important: things had to be reproduced according to reality, as faithfully as possible. In the Middle Ages, there is almost no trace of still life paintings. The era was more inclined towards symbolism, allegory and paintings were reserved for religion.

It was in the 17th century that paintings representing objects took on an important role. The genre developed rapidly, especially in the north, in Holland and Flanders, which created two distinct schools: the Dutch school and the Flemish school.

The first is a bourgeois painting, of small format, with few objects represented; the second is also bourgeois, with an accumulation of objects on large formats, whose moral is that of the vanity of life. Still lifes developed throughout Europe, particularly in France and Spain, which are the two other schools of still life painting. Still life has often been considered a minor genre, in opposition to history painting or portraiture, but over time it has evolved.

This theme is the most complex in the history of painting because it pushes painters to study objects and the environment in which they evolve for a long time. Over the centuries, the object becomes an accessory, then a symbol (vanity) to become a full-fledged subject where aesthetics take precedence over its simple representation.


What is the golden age of  still life in europe ? 

It is in the 17th century in the northern countries where three themes emerge: the served tables, the flowers and the vanities.


Meaning of the objects

  • The crab represents the resurrection, it loses its envelope in spring to take a new shell. The crab and the lobster can also symbolize inconstancy and instability because of their characteristic gait, which makes them move backwards.

  • Fruits, vegetables and game illustrate the reckless abuse of the pleasures of the senses.

  • The lemon peel peeled in a spiral may represent the course of earthly life, along which the individual frees his or her spirit from its material envelope, to arrive at the pulp of spiritual essence.

  • The grape is a symbol of the Passion of Jesus Christ. Presented as the origin of wine, it is associated with the blood of Christ.
  • The cut roses and the overturned cup represent the youth struck down..
  • The hourglass, the glass half-filled with water, invokes the inexorable flow of life.



  • Still life with apples and oranges by Paul Cézanne (1895-1900).
  • Caravaggio was the first great painter to have painted still lifes with fruit in 1599 Jean Siméon Chardin (La Raie)

The genre was little renewed in the 19th century, even if the paintings of Delacroix, for example, or Goya, are unpublished. But it is especially Cézanne who will renew the genre by his new spirit and his colored brush. He initiated a new path, which the greatest artists of the twentieth century, such as Picasso or Dali, will take.

At Carré d'artistes, discover contemporary still life paintings, such as Pascal Lionnet and Laurent Bergues, who explore the possibilities and revive the symbolic and aesthetic power of this type of painting.

Discover our selections of modern still life paintings thanks to our numerous still life painters!

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