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Painting Cuitus by Moogly | Painting Raw art Animals Acrylic Resin Pigments

Painting Cuitus by Moogly | Painting Raw art Animals Acrylic Resin Pigments
CuitusPainting Cuitus by Moogly | Painting Raw art Animals Acrylic Resin Pigments
CuitusPainting Cuitus by Moogly | Painting Raw art Animals Acrylic Resin Pigments

Description artwork

This unique and original contemporary artwork "Cuitus" on the subject of Animals has been created by the contemporary artist Moogly.
The artist used Acrylic, Pigments, Resin media on Cardboard to create this Raw art, Small size painting.
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    Style : Raw art

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    Subject : Animals

  • - Size : 13 x 13 cm
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    Medium : Acrylic

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    Medium : Resin

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    Medium : Pigments

  • - Compatible frames : 13 x 13 cm
  • - Is framable : yes
  • - Format : small
  • - Material : Cardboard
  • - Exhibited in Gallery : Lyon
Unique and certified artworks

Moogly France
Passionate about drawing and graphic design since childhood, Moogly found the beginnings of his style at the Intuit Lab Paris school the year he turned 20. He also discovered his affinity for the subject of bestiary by revisiting the cover of a Pink Floyd album, illustrated by the crossing of a cow and a pig with a cyclops head. The first "Moogly" was born. He keeps his nickname of musician irsute, that his friends had naturally attributed to him in his music group and devotes himself from 2004 to his career of graphic designer / independent artist.
Humanizing animals to deanimate humans; this is how the painter brings us closer to our animal friends. Our supremacy, whose consequences are often talked about, is thus mocked through animal representations, with human attitudes. Here, the artist seeks to give credit to animals, both to value them and to make them respected, while wanting to make us think about our place in the world.
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