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Painting abstract beige B 56 by Wilms Hilde | Painting Abstract Acrylic

Painting abstract beige B 56 by Wilms Hilde | Painting Abstract Acrylic
abstract beige B 56Painting abstract beige B 56 by Wilms Hilde | Painting Abstract Acrylic
abstract beige B 56Painting abstract beige B 56 by Wilms Hilde | Painting Abstract Acrylic

Description artwork

This unique and original contemporary artwork "abstract beige B 56" has been created by the contemporary artist Wilms Hilde.
The artist used Acrylic medium on Cardboard to create this Abstract, Small size painting.
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    Style : Abstract

  • - Size : 19 x 19 cm
  • - Colors : Beige
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    Medium : Acrylic

  • - Compatible frames : 19 x 19 cm
  • - Is framable : yes
  • - Format : small
  • - Material : Cardboard
  • - Exhibited in Gallery : Paris 6 Saint-Germain
Unique and certified artworks

Wilms Hilde
Wilms Hilde Germany
Hilde grew up in Germany and from an early age nurtured her taste for beauty through images and music. She began painting on her own very early on, but followed a career as a bank employee until she was 30 years old. A long stay in the South of France turned her life upside down. She finally took the time for experience and observation, and the trip became an inner quest. She rediscovered art, which up until then had been buried in her for a long time. Hilde began attending courses and training at university as an independent student, where she focused on painting and sculpture. She began exhibiting in France and Germany and as a result of her success, Hilde decided to devote herself fully to art.
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