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Painting YELLOW AND DARK 180323 by Laura Rose | Painting Figurative Still-life Oil

Painting YELLOW AND DARK 180323 by Laura Rose | Painting Figurative Still-life Oil
YELLOW AND DARK 180323Painting YELLOW AND DARK 180323 by Laura Rose | Painting Figurative Still-life Oil
YELLOW AND DARK 180323Painting YELLOW AND DARK 180323 by Laura Rose | Painting Figurative Still-life Oil

Description artwork

This unique and original contemporary artwork "YELLOW AND DARK 180323" was created by contemporary artist Laura Rose.
The artist used the oil technique to create this small format painting on canvas in a figurative style.
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    Style : Figurative

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    Subject : Still-life

  • - Size : 19 x 19 cm
  • - Colors : Yellow
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    Medium : Oil

  • - Compatible frames : 19 x 19 cm
  • - Is framable : yes
  • - Format : small
  • - Material : Canvas
Unique and certified artworks

Laura Rose
Laura Rose France
Laure began painting at the age of 11. In the evening after classes, she lived in the fine arts room of her school where her teacher gave her own space for working. Upon inquiry she joined the studio of an artist who would become her master and who would teach her all his techniques: drawing, oil, watercolour, pastel, acrylic... She joined the Fine Arts School of Macon where she studied from live models. Laure paints nature in situ (outside). She sets her easel up around different country villages, travelling around the southern regions of France (Drôme, Alpes, Bouches-du-Rhône, Var) to find a subject: the rare gem that resonates deep within her being. Laure paints life and its transformations. She is humble and accepts to observe nature at its most simple in order to locate the exceptional. Her paintings are seductive, delicate, at times magical or even strange, fiendish or unusual.
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