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Painting Pop dog by Ralau | Painting Pop-art Life style Animals Acrylic

Painting Pop dog by Ralau | Painting Pop-art Life style Animals Acrylic
Pop dogPainting Pop dog by Ralau | Painting Pop-art Life style Animals Acrylic
Pop dogPainting Pop dog by Ralau | Painting Pop-art Life style Animals Acrylic

Description artwork

This unique and original contemporary artwork "Pop dog" on the subjects of Animals, Life style has been created by the contemporary artist Ralau.
The artist used Acrylic medium on Paper to create this Pop-art, Small size painting.
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    Style : Pop-art

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    Subject : Life style

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    Subject : Animals

  • - Size : 13 x 13 cm
  • - Colors : White
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    Medium : Acrylic

  • - Compatible frames : 13 x 13 cm
  • - Is framable : yes
  • - Format : small
  • - Material : Paper
  • - Exhibited in Gallery : Grenoble


Unique and certified artworks

Ralau France
Ralau's passion for art began at an early age. Painting, which she discovered in particular with her father, quickly became an obvious choice for her. Guided by her emotions and a heightened sensitivity to the world around her, it's on walls that she first lets her creativity speak. The artist draws her inspiration from everyday life: an encounter, an image or a sound is enough to inspire her to create a canvas in vivid, striking colors. Ralau has created a "neo-pop" universe of eccentric, colorful and sparkling motifs. These invade walls and facades, as well as all kinds of forgotten or everyday objects such as clothes, skateboards and cymbals.
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