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Acrylic paintings

(3460 Artworks)
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Acrylic painting for sale

Carré d'artistes presents a wide selection of acrylic paintings.

Dive into the heart of contemporary pictorial emotion by discovering the unique paintings of our artists.

Let yourself be seduced by our selection of acrylic paintings through the works of our emerging artists and choose one of our acrylic paintings for sale. From abstract to figurative, from landscapes to portraits, you are sure to find the acrylic that will touch you.

What type of acrylic paintings would you like to display on your wall?  Our art curators are available to answer your questions by phone at 04 86 31 85 33 or by videoconference.

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Acrylic paint, a contemporary art

The acrylic painting is a contemporary painting technique derived from oil painting.

If the date of its creation is still debated, it is clear that the development of the practice of acrylics began in the United States in the 1930s.

The success of acrylics is immediate and is part of the modern societal evolution. The artistic model of acrylics is opposed to the one induced by traditional oil painting. The latter was characterized by a very long drying time, caused by the mixing of oil with color pigments. Without abandoning oil, contemporary artists like to move towards acrylics whose paint dries much faster.

Acrylic resin is the binder that gives acrylic paint its much appreciated characteristics. Acrylic is particularly well known for its fast curing, plastic-like texture and high malleability.

Acrylic painting by Carré d'artistes

Its commercialization in the 1950s, in the form of tubes or pots, marked the democratization of acrylic art. The idea of diluting water in the paint gave acrylics an ergonomics that was echoed in the pop art movement. Thus, great contemporary artists, such as Andy Warhol, have contributed to place this pictorial technique on an equal footing with oil paint.

Famous abstract expressionists have used it, such as Mark Rothko, Robert Motherwell or Helen Frankenthaler, because acrylics dry quickly.


How is acrylic art done?

The acrylic paintings mark a break with the traditional practice centered on oil painting.


It is quite possible to thin the acrylic painting to make the mixture more fluid, allowing artists to play with transparency and adjust the raw texture of the color pigments.


Acrylics have the ability to dry quickly. The artist can therefore decide to come back to his work without risking to alter it. The oil painting imposed to respect several days of drying to avoid depositing a greasier layer on the pre-existing one, at the risk that this last one does not dry and generates cracks on the long term.


Particularity of acrylic


It also has the following particularities:


  • to be permanent once the application


  • to be insensitive to humidity


  • to be washable


  • to be perfectly preservable


  • to be used on any surface


  • to be applied and handled with many different tools (palette knives, brushes, rollers...) and even with bare hands


  • to be able to realize many effects like splashes...


Comparison between acrylic paint and oil paint :


Acrylic has many more advantages and is one of the only mixed media paints.

This paint is lightweight, lightfast and water resistant once dry.

Easy to handle and resists wear over time unlike oil paint which wears out faster and fades

The conservation of an acrylic painting is optimal. The color pigments do not become dull over the years, the work remains intact. It is also possible to incorporate mediums, which are substances that modify the viscosity of the paint and thus make it more similar to its traditional cousin. Contemporary artists use this painting technique in a flexible way that allows them to cover all pictorial styles, from abstract to realism.

Discover or rediscover acrylic painting on canvas on our marketplace with a selection of paintings from the best contemporary artists.

Enjoy Medeya Lemdiya's pop art interpretation of great historical and cinematic figures or immerse yourself in Bjerke's abstract world.


What are the different types of acrylic paintings?

Acrylic paintings are a great way to express yourself and showcase your artistic talents. The different types of acrylic paintings include :

  • Abstract Acrylic Paintings - This is a form of abstract art, often characterized by the use of bright colors and unreal, subjective shapes. Abstract paintings are free from the representation of reality to give way to the senses.

  • Portraits - Portraits are paintings that depict people or animals, often with realistic detail.

  • Landscape Paintings - A landscape painting is a work of art that depicts the natural environment - usually an outdoor scene with trees and mountains, bodies of water or other natural elements.

  • Still Life Paintings - A still life painting is a work of art depicting various objects found in nature such as flowers, fruits and vegetables, etc. arranged on a table or shelf.

  • Acrylic paintings on wood are the perfect choice for anyone looking for a beautiful piece of art to hang in their home. This medium is easy to clean and resists frequent temperature changes, so you can enjoy it anywhere in your home. 

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