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Painting Entre deux by Dupetitpré Roselyne | Painting Abstract Minimalist Acrylic

Painting Entre deux by Dupetitpré Roselyne | Painting Abstract Minimalist Acrylic
Entre deuxPainting Entre deux by Dupetitpré Roselyne | Painting Abstract Minimalist Acrylic
Entre deuxPainting Entre deux by Dupetitpré Roselyne | Painting Abstract Minimalist Acrylic

Description artwork

This unique and original contemporary artwork "F2 Entre deux 10021-20369-20220930-5" was created by contemporary artist Dupetitpré Roselyne.
The artist used the Acrylic technique to create this small format painting on canvas of Abstract style.
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    Style : Abstract

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    Subject : Minimalist

  • - Size : 19 x 19 cm
  • - Colors : White
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    Medium : Acrylic

  • - Compatible frames : 19 x 19 cm
  • - Is framable : yes
  • - Format : small
  • - Material : Canvas
Unique and certified artworks

Dupetitpré Roselyne
Dupetitpré Roselyne France
Roselyne Dupetitpré started figurative painting at a very young age. The artist discovers abstraction in 2011 and trains with local artists. This art becomes essential to her life, like a breath, a necessary meditation. Guided by silence, her artworks is all about us, about life. This life flowing from her brush, in the sometimes explosive meeting of opposites: shade and light, transparency and opacity, traces and evanescence... a perpetual quest for light. From the darkness of the cosmos, to the poetry of dreams, a space of freedom is felt in her work.
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