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Painting Force vive by Escolier Odile | Painting Figurative Landscapes Nature Acrylic

Painting Force vive by Escolier Odile | Painting Figurative Landscapes Nature Acrylic
Force vivePainting Force vive by Escolier Odile | Painting Figurative Landscapes Nature Acrylic
Force vivePainting Force vive by Escolier Odile | Painting Figurative Landscapes Nature Acrylic

Description artwork

This unique and original contemporary artwork "Force vive" was created by contemporary artist Escolier Odile.
The artist used the Acrylic technique to create this small-format painting on cardboard in the Figurative style.
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    Style : Figurative

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    Subject : Landscapes

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    Subject : Nature

  • - Size : 19 x 19 cm
  • - Colors : Red
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    Medium : Acrylic

  • - Compatible frames : 19 x 19 cm
  • - Is framable : yes
  • - Format : small
  • - Material : Cardboard
  • - Exhibited in Gallery : Rueil Malmaison
Unique and certified artworks

Escolier Odile
Escolier Odile France
After studying science in college, Odile wavered between continuing her studies in art or in medicine. Influenced by an occupational therapist father (physiotherapy and rehabilitation), she finally chose training as a physiotherapist. She became interested in alternative medicine (herbs, relaxation) but still continued to paint for her own pleasure. She participated in a few exhibitions with her watercolour and ink works. Painting began to play an increasingly important role in her life and she decided at age 35 to devote herself fully to the art form. From her former profession, Odile still keeps an interest in humanity that she now transmits into her paintings. Meetings and sharing are recurring themes of inspiration; the human being and its relationship to another fascinate the artist.
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